
In this third part about building a simple flower catalog with Flask, I go over my use of Flask-Admin to provide a frontend interface to the database. To include the Flask-Admin extension, you do the typical thing with your app's file:

# import it
from flask_admin import Admin

# instantiate it
admin = Admin()

# initialize it as part of the app in the app factor function
def create_app(test_config=None):
        app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)

    # ...
    # Setup admin app context and ModelViews
        from flower_store.models import Flower
        from flower_store.admin_views import MyAdminIndexView, FlowerView

        admin.init_app(app, index_view=MyAdminIndexView())
        admin.add_view(FlowerView(Flower, db.session))

Flask-Admin integrates with existing database models. In, I define versions of both the AdminIndexeView class ModelView class. We see that the latter is passed both the Flower model and the database session. At first, I followed the basic example provided by the documentation. One little addition I made has to do with how I set up users for my app:

class FlowerView(ModelView):
    # form_base_class = SecureForm()
    create_modal = True
    edit_modal = True

    def is_accessible(self):
        return current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.is_admin

    def inaccessible_callback(self, name):
        return redirect(url_for("login"))

class MyAdminIndexView(AdminIndexView):
    def is_accessible(self):
        return current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.is_admin

Since I may want to implement accounts as a feature in the future, I decided to setup a basic Users table with an is_admin attribute that has a SQL type of Boolean. For now, I manage this entirely from the command line.

Users and Logging In

Since adding users to a database and using Flask-Login seem to be a standard pair of elements in Flask tutorials, I won't go into much detail. I mostly repurposed code from Grinberg's tutorial. At the moment, since I don't want user accounts as a feature, none of this is displayed through the website.

As mentioned before, my User class for Flask-SQLAlchemy has the following attribute:

is_admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)

And I have a function I expose to my flask shell environment that creates such a user for testing purposes:

# See Part 1 for all imports.

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from flower_store.models import User

def register(app):
    # ...

    def setup_admin():
        """Creates an admin user account."""

        # Ensure `user` table exists
        if not db.inspect(db.engine).has_table("user"):
            print("User table does not exist. Run `flask db upgrade`")

        admin = os.environ.get("ADMIN")
        admin_pwd = os.environ.get("ADMIN_PWD")

        if not admin_pwd:
            print("There is no admin user password in the local environment.")

        test_admin = User(
        # Check for existing "admin" user and delete if it exists.
        user = User.query.filter_by(username=test_admin.username).first()
        if user:


As with the command that populates the flower table, this is run via flask setup-admin.

Both logging in and out have to be done by entering the appropriate routes ("/login" and "/logout"). Both routes' view functions are in auth/ The one for logging in is basically the same as what Grinberg provides, except it redirects to the admin view if the user logging in is an admin:

if user.is_admin:
    return redirect("admin")

It's a nice convenience.

Flask-Admin's Template

Once you've created a user with admin privileges and logged in as that user, Flask-Admin's frontend can be accessed by going to the "/admin" route. To customize it through Flask's templating system, Flask-Admin exposes its templates behind the scenes. Here's a minimal change I made:

{% extends 'admin/master.html' %} {% block body %}
<p>To log out, add "/logout" to the URL.</p>
{% endblock body %}

Uploading images

To upload images, I added an additional field to my FlowerView class:

    form_extra_fields = {
        "image_file": ImageUploadField(
            # thumbnail_size=(125, 125, True),
            max_size=(500, 500, True),

I adapted this from an example provided by Flask-Admin and the documentation for ImageUploadField. Initially, I tried to use Flask-Admin's form_overrides variable, which didn't work. My thinking was that the form, by default, is a text input box, since Flower.image_file takes a string. This code snippet I arrived at works perfectly. I'll break it down:

  • "image_file" names the field in the Flower model to be manipulated.

  • ImageUploadField levies Pillow (a fork of PIL, the Python Image Library) to perform image manipulation.

  • "Image" names the field in the Admin view.

  • base_path is where you want the file to be saved. IMAGE_PATH is defined at the module level to get the directory path:

    IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static/flower_imgs")
  • namegen defines how the file name is to be generated. I wrote a little function called image_rename in It takes a tip from Corey Schafer's tutorial and adds some hex characters to the name provided by the user. It also ensures that the length is within the limit imposed by the Flower model's image_file field (30).

Automating asset deletion

The last thing I wanted to implement is a SQLAlchemy hook to delete images associated with flowers in the event of their deletion. Back in the app factory, I added the following code beneath the admin setup:

    from sqlalchemy.event import listens_for
    from flower_store.admin_views import IMAGE_PATH

    @listens_for(Flower, "after_delete")
    def del_image(mapper, connection, target):
        if target.image_file:
            # Delete image
                os.remove(os.path.join(IMAGE_PATH, target.image_file))
            except OSError:
